Tarka Chat UI is a plug and play javascript library to integrate a chat assistant to your website in one line
<script src="https://d1fmfone96g0x2.cloudfront.net/tarka-chat-2.4.0.umd.js"></script>
Include highcharts library to generate charts by highcharts
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script>
component with options in any script tagTarkaChat.init({
title: "Personal Assistant",
botName: "superbot",
greeting: "Welcome. How can I assist you today?",
themeColor: "#F0DAFB",
selectorId: "chatbot",
expand: true,
enableUpload: true,
preChatRenderer: function (onClose) {
// Return a DOM Node that can be attached to the chatbot UI
// Use the onClose callback to close the pre-chat screen
const button = document.createElement("button");
button.innerText = "Close pre-chat";
button.addEventListener("click", onClose);
return button;
submitHandler: async function (message) {
// Do API calls
// after getting response return the response string
return Promise.resolve("Recieved response");
submitHandler this function will be called whenever a user types a message in the bot and submits Returned response from submitHandler should be one the below types:
"type": "text",
"message": "MESSAGE"
"type": "file",
"link": "LINK_TO_FILE",
"name": "FILE_NAME",
"type": "image",
"link": "LINK_TO_IMAGE",
"name": "IMAGE_NAME",
"type": "highchart-config",
"high_chart_config": { highcharts_config_obj }
"type": "table",
"table_data": { "header":[],"rows":[{}] }
"type": "text",
"message": "MESSAGE"
"type": "file",
"link": "LINK_TO_FILE",
"name": "FILE_NAME",
[Optional] reportMessage Set this config when you want to report any incoming messages.
handle: (messsageId, payload, feedbackMessage) => {
// messageId: unique message id generated by tarka chat
// payload: It's the same response payload being shown in tarka chat.
// feedbackMessage: The feedback message.
Demo is deployed from the application code in demo/
Link: https://tarkalabs.github.io/tarka-chat/demo/
If you wanted to run this code in your local for development purposes, Run the following command from project root folder yarn dev
and open dev/index.html
in your browser to see the chat window. Your local changes will be hot reloaded
Maintainers can release a new version of tarka chat by running the github action release
. This will push a new release into our CDN based on the version in the package.json file and creates a new github release